Saturday, February 18, 2017

Raising Huckleberry Boys

It is not uncommon for Levi to go off on his own little adventure.  It reminds me so much of me as a kid.  I rode my bike to the creek, wandered around in the woods, turned over every rock, fished by myself, etc...  He has his own little pocket knife, and everyone in the house knows if they are looking for tape, tools, tape measures, magnifying glasses, string, paperclips.... any odds and ends- ask Levi.  He knows where it is.  

Today Levi went off on his bike again to the fishing hole near the house.  It was such a beautiful day today!  When Kyle asked me to ride him over there, I couldn't resist the urge to get out and go see what the boys were doing.  

Levi had caught a few perch in his fishing net already, and was making conversation with some of the other people who were fishing.  I watched him throw his net down off the little pier, and noticed that he had tied the string around his ankle just in case it slipped out of his hands.  LOL!  Smart little toot.  
He and Kyle decided to move across the creek and fish from the shore, and I tried to follow.  As I traversed across the rocks, I felt my age... and I realized just how long it has been since we have gone out on an adventure as a family.  It used to be so common!  In Georgia our backyard was literally IN the woods, and we didn't have to go far to find our own adventure.  

I miss it!  I love the fact that our boys enjoy the outdoors and would rather be fishing than playing video games.  When they were smaller, we had "Mummy Time".  Each boy got to spend some one on one time with Mummy, and they took turns.  Most of the time, our Mummy Time had something to do with hiking, or fishing, or turning over rocks in the creek.  I made it a point to have lots of positive experiences in the outdoors with each one.  I'm so glad they have picked up on this love of adventure, and it sticks with them even now.  I'm thinking soon we may have good reason to "re-institute" Mummy Time (more to come on that later).  I think I want to find another adventure....

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A Moment to Cherish- and by moment I mean literally 60 seconds.

So there I was... a typical afternoon sitting in front of my computer at the kitchen breakfast bar while dinner cooks.  I had one kid on my left, and one kid on my right.

Kid number 1 says: Mommy, what would you do if I decided to be one of the first people to colonize Mars?

(I barely even process what he just said...)

Kid number 2 chimes in:  "that's stupid.  that's not even gonna happen like in your lifetime."

(I look at kid number 2 with a scowl... then back at kid number 1)  "ummmm.... "

Kid number 1: "They ARE working on it right now, and there will be people there in my lifetime so shut up!"

Kid number 3: from across the room- "BE QUIET!"

Kid number 2:  "you shut up!  that's impossible!  they haven't even sent ONE person to Mars let alone figured out how to make a whole colony survive."

aaaaand back and forth it goes.  with me in the middle.  staring at my computer.  head in my hands.

This is an everyday thing!!!!  It inevitably ends up in some sort of physical brawl that will end up in tears, or bruises, or both.  I say to myself too often.... "will they EVER stop arguing!!!??"  I know, I know... brotherly love right?

We eventually settled it with google.  In case you are curious, there actually is an effort underway to recruit some people for the first colony on Mars, but they don't even expect to send a single man to Mars until about 2030.  -good job kid number 1.  BUT you do NOT have my blessing to go to Mars. nope.  not happenin'.

There is a constant state of testosterone induced competition at my house which includes competition over who eats more, who eats less, who dribbles better, who shoots better, who plays better, who is the quietest, the loudest.... the whatever-est.  There are very few moments when ALL is peaceful, and usually when it happens it is because each kid is in a separate corner of the house doing their own thing.  So when I came upon this scene this evening, my heart jumped just a little.

It was completely quiet, and three out of four had set aside their individual activities to "play" together....(really watch Z play lol.)

Aaahhhh.  So pleasant to see them getting along and enjoying each others company!  Yes... the guitar leaning on the couch is a little unnerving, but seriously.... I needed to enjoy this moment.  It did not last long, but I have photo evidence that it did happen!

Life with A Whole Bunch Of Boys is not always glamorous.  Okay... it's never glamorous.  but moments like this make me want to go buy a "boy mom" T-shirt.  I felt like a successful parent today- for about 60 seconds.  😏