Saturday, January 28, 2017

Declaration of War

I'm usually inspired to blog by funny, or embarrassing things my kids do.  I have this awful unavoidable addiction to embarrassing myself and my kids publicly.  This time, I'm inspired because of more serious concerns.  This isn't a crazy change of personality or anything weird... you won't see many more serious posts- I don't think- so please savor this rare peak into the serious side of my brain.  

I am a little frustrated…. No a LOT frustrated.  It is shameful that I have become hesitant to call myself a “Christian” due to the negative connotation of the word.  A word that was embraced by the church for the original meaning- “follower of Jesus”, “slave of the Anointed One” …now because of the actions and beliefs of individuals claiming the title, for many it brings to mind exclusivity, cruelty, and hypocrisy.  For this reason I prefer to just call myself a Follower of Jesus.  Perhaps that will at least lessen the blow to my chosen heritage that so many past and present have destroyed. 
I have a righteous anger burning inside and it makes me want to lash out!  If you want to call this a “Christian Nation” then so be it; but DON’T assume the title without taking the responsibility. 

Christians are called to “Go into all the world” –(Mark 16:15).  To love the unlovable- (Matthew 5:44), to “look after orphans and widows”-(James 1:27), to welcome the foreigner, -(Leviticus 19:9-10,33-34, Deuteronomy 10:18-19, Ezekiel 16:49, etc…)   and above all else to LOVE!-(Matthew 22:36-40).  We are called to love the Lord our God with all that we have, and also to love our neighbor as ourselves.  HA!!!!  And who is our neighbor!??!!  – (Luke 10:25-37). 

Unfortunately, I have some pretty controversial views within the Christian church.  As a left leaning moderate Christian I am sad that so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ fail to recognize the very “left-ish-ness” of the Bible itself.  Yes, that is my own word and I like it.  I don’t like political posts.  I comment on very few, and have mastered the art of face book creeping.  (Admittedly, I have on occasion hit the like button accidentally as I swipe, but I’m getting better.)

I’m sad when I think about my LGBTQ friends, (there are a lot of you!  J) and I have to think to myself- I hope they don’t lump me in with all the hateful speaking other people who claim to share my Christianity.  I hope I always show nothing but genuine love and respect as friends without labels. 

I’m sad when I think about the damage that is done to my testimony, and my witness by people who are hateful to those who practice other religions.  I have atheist friends, I have Muslim friends, I have Buddhist friends, (I actually don’t know if I have any Hindu friends but I’d like some.  J).  I strive to be a good example of Jesus everywhere I go.  I fail.  I fail a lot.  I fail so much, that I only hope that my friends have the same amount of love and grace for me as I have for them.  –That is what it’s about right?  Treating others the way we expect to be treated?  Loving others as we love ourselves?

As a follower of Jesus, I choose love.  I choose inclusiveness; I choose to see souls and not labels.  I choose to be a light in darkness.  I choose to love the woman who chose the abortion.  I choose to love my homosexual friends and celebrate victories and happiness with them.  I choose to celebrate uniqueness and diversity; I choose to fight for social justice, in the US and in the far reaches of the world as far as I’m able. 

When Markel and I were called to ministry, we could have chosen to go to a Lutheran church, a Presbyterian church, a Methodist church…. But we chose The Salvation Army.  Why?  because I agree with every position statement?  NO!  We chose this church because the words of the founder, written below, resound within my soul…  I cannot let those words out of my mind, I will not forget them!  This giant army is poised and ready to tackle social justice worldwide where our government is failing.  If only we could wake the giant.  I pray that more true followers of Jesus stand together against evil and against hateHate breeds isolation, hopelessness, malice, and division.  LOVE is the only weapon that will prosper in this battle because out of love flows prayer, faith, good works and unity.  It is with LOVE that I choose to fight this battle…

“While women weep, as they do now, I’ll fight.  While little children go hungry, as they do now, I’ll fight, While men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I’ll fight.  While there is a drunkard left, while there is a poor lost girl upon the streets, while there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I’ll fight-I’ll fight to the very end!” – William Booth