Friday, October 9, 2015


Today when I walked in the door, Levi asked if he can borrow my cell phone to take a picture.  I was busy.... and handed off my phone without even realizing I had done it (don't make fun.  I know y'all do it sometimes)

I have no idea how my cell phone ended up back in my hands, but a little later in the day he comes in my bedroom and says, "mommy, didya see my pictures?"

and this is what happened next:

Me:  pictures of what?
L:  The house down the street.
Me:  (lowering my head, and peering at him as though I were looking over bifocals) Levi, why were you taking pictures of the house down the street?  It is vacant right.
L:  No! somebody definitely lives there.
Me: (wide eyed and a bit stressed)  WHY were you taking photos of someones house!!!!
L:  no, not of their house, their yard!  look what I did!

Me:  so did they ask you to put their leaves in a pile?
L:  nope!  I just did it.  and then I left a note on the door.
Me:  (eyes even wider... if that is possible.... no words)
L:  what?  "hashtag good deeds"  (with a cheesy grin).
Me:  (nervously through clenched teeth)  what... did the note say?
L: It said

          "Happy Fall!  I'm sorry if you wanted them spread out."
                                                          signed, a kid down the street.
Me: sigh....   oh boy.