I love facebook. I'm not addicted, but I love to write the funny things my kids say.
Funny moments are always funnier when they're shared with others, so I enjoy sharing the quirky and the silly anytime it happens. And I'm so glad that I've done that! I spent a few moments yesterday just looking back at previous posts.
I went back more than 2 years at my facebook posts and the comments people left... it made me laugh, and it made me cry, almost like looking at a scrapbook. There are folks who wrote on my facebook page who have passed away, and I cherish their words, and there are dark moments that I've asked for prayer through, and I can see how I've been carried through it, and then there are those moments in-between where I wrote an off-the-wall quote that one of the boys said, and it makes my cheeks hurt laughing and remembering those moments.
So thank you mr. social network guy that I can't remember your name who started facebook.... you did good.
enough mush, here are 10 banks boyisms to brighten your day! see if you can guess which banks boy belongs to which quote!
1. “Mommy, whats for dinner?” Porcupine balls. (cue the confused squished face) “ew, from a boy porcupine?”
2. “Guess what Gramma? I finally learned how to fart with my armpit!”
3. Child 1-"OUCH!! mommy... I think all my bones are funny bones." Child 2- "thats strange, my funny bones seem to be located only in my joints."
4. "mommy, when zyan was a baby wasn't his crate in my room?"
5. New Years Eve- 12, 11, 10, 9, 8.... "MOMMY WAIT!!!
6. "Yes sir! Boy dogs can have babies. Mommy said so. Thats why we had to get Apollo fixed.... so the babies can't come out."
7. Helping with Math homework… Me- "What is the difference between five and zero"... child- "the five has straight lines, and the zero is all curvy."
8. Discussing owl pellets: "That's not disgusting daddy, its nature....... only dead."
9. "mommy, I had a baby crawling around in my belly once. I told him to get out, but he didn't listen."
10. Woke up to deer in my front yard! Me-"awe let's get the camera.". child-"awe,I wish we had a gun."
Kyle |
Braden |
Levi |
Zyan |