Friday, April 29, 2011


We had a family birthday celebration at church last night for Baby Z!  His present from mommy and daddy is an mp3 player.  Unusual choice for a 5 year old I know..., but when I’m purchasing gifts, I’m not only thinking of how much fun its going to be for the kids to play with, I’m also thinking of entertainment value for me! 

Selfish?…. maybe.  But SO CUTE!  Watch this brief clip and you’ll see why.

On the way home, we’re driving in the car and the kids are watching the CD with 200 classic cartoons that the Easter bunny bought.  The Easter bunny thought…

"No need to screen.  how can you possibly go wrong with classic  cartoons?"

All of a sudden I hear a cackle…no not a laugh, a CACKLE roaring from the back.  Then a chorus of giggles joining in, and as a proud Easter bun…. -Mom I smile.  Pleased that the kids are loving the fresh car entertainment.  

Then louder giggles and belly rumbles.  Then Kyle ‘What The?”  giggle giggle, and then baby Z chimes in with his Ernie-esque  “khee khee khee…what the?”  and finally Braden taps me on the shoulder… “mommy, you might want to look at this..”


Then Mommy... "WHAT THE?"

Yeah….. and the moral of the story is, parents beware of the classic cartoons.

-Just another day with a whole bunch of boys.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Milestone Achievement

Every time one of the boys has a birthday, its an achievement.  Another year I’ve kept them alive and healthy.  But this time it seems a little different.

My youngest baby has turned 5!  School age.  He’ll be wandering the halls with his brothers soon enough, and I shall REJOICE AND BE GLAD!! 

Some moms get weepy when their kids are off to school.  Call me dysfunctional, but I can’t wait to be loading all FOUR on the bus every AM.

Yes I said 4, and yes they are all boys.  Maybe it’s stupid to tell you all that cuz right now everyone reading the blog knows me.  But I figure someday somebody will read this who has no clue who I am and they’ll be wanting an introduction.  So there it is. 

I’m a working mom with a blog… strange I know.  Most of the blogs I see are stay at home moms…. And I respect them.  I really do.  But I’m happy to say I have four kids, I work full time, I clean my house, do my laundry, cook dinner, make crafts with my kids AND I can make animal shaped pancakes… with faces.                           

I started a blog cuz I thought… everybody else has a blog, why not me?  I’m always saying how my family would be the perfect reality tv show…. The new Run’s House…. But only without the fru fru cars and fancy house.  Run’s House for po folk. 

This way I can blog about it and someday some producer will pick it up and be like… yeah  that family needs to be on tv.  Hey banks family.. you want a few million?  And I’ll be like YUP!  Do you know how many Pepsi’s I could buy with a few million???  I’d have a fridge in the shape of a pepsi can with pepsi  inside, and using pepsi flavored Freon. 

can you believe I actually found this picture???

But I digress……

On with the blogging!!!!!!  Follow me for the fun banks family bloopers that are sure to come!

(thanks for the inspiration too puffy duffy.  Soon to be notso puffy duffy J )